BlockPro Events

A special time for special games

You came on BlockPro to play, you came on BlockPro to compete, but now, with all that force you have been using to compete, you will now use it to play for more reward. Introducing Events. Here, you can compete in many known minigames such as PVP, Zombies, Spleef and more. These events start at random, but we will notify the entire Discord and Minecraft server when an event is going to start.

Join the fun. Compete against your friends and those that you do not know. Become the champion of the server, and fight, build, and survive. In the event, you will be gathered in one big lobby where one of the Admins of the server whether that's C0MG, ElevenWater975, or Doge_for_life will be controlling the event. Join the fun!